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Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company indtjening pr. aktie

Kvartalsvis indtjening i selskabet Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company, årsrapporter om rentabiliteten af ​​aktierne WLTW for året 2024. Hvornår offentliggør Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company finansielle rapporter om overskud og tab?
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Hvornår offentliggør Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company en resultatopgørelse?

Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company resultatopgørelse offentliggøres en gang i kvartalet, den seneste årsregnskab for Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company blev offentliggjort den 31/03/2021.

Hvad er fortjenesten fra aktierne i Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company?

Anslået indtjening pr. aktie i Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company var 3.64 $ i den sidste regnskabsrapport.

Hvornår vil Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company offentliggøre næste resultatopgørelse?

Den næste rapport om resultatopgørelsen Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company vil offentliggøres i Juni 2024.

Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company indtjening pr. Aktie - virksomhedens økonomiske karakteristika på størrelsen af ​​dens værdi. Resultat pr. Aktie - beregnet værdi: den samlede fortjeneste for rapporteringsperioden divideres med antallet af eksisterende aktier. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company indtjening pr. Aktie beregnes for hvert økonomisk interval. Fortjeneste på Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company - samlet overskud for den rapporterede regnskabsperiode.


Fortjeneste Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company

Alle Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company overskud er en reference. Det er ikke så vigtigt for private aktionærer. Aktionærer er mere interesseret i indtjening pr. Aktie. Det påvirker primært det modtagne udbytte på aktier. Datoen for resultatopgørelsen for Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company fastlægges ved lov og organisationens regler. Datoerne for Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company oversigt over de seneste perioder vises i tabellen og grafen for vores onlinetjeneste.

Kvartalsresultatet Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company

Resultat pr. Aktie Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company beregnes ved at dividere nettoresultatet med antallet af aktier i virksomheden. Earnings per share of Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is considered for a certain financial period as well as financial reports on the company's total profit are issued. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company earnings per share for the last reporting period can be found in our table (the top row) or graph (the rightmost column). Quarterly profit Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is the most common type of financial report for financial analytics.

WLTW rapport dato Indtjening pr. aktie
Resultat pr. aktie beregnes ved at dividere nettoindkomst (eller overskud) med antallet af aktier i selskabet.
Ændring i det sidste år %
31/03/2021 3.64 USD -
31/12/2020 5.23 USD +6.73% ↑
30/09/2020 1.33 USD +1.53% ↑
30/06/2020 1.8 USD +1.12% ↑
31/12/2019 4.9 USD +19.65% ↑
30/09/2019 1.31 USD +16.11% ↑
30/06/2019 1.78 USD +2.91% ↑
31/03/2019 2.98 USD +14.77% ↑
31/12/2018 4 USD +92.25% ↑
30/09/2018 1.32 USD -0.758% ↓
30/06/2018 1.7 USD +13.06% ↑
31/03/2018 2.71 USD -27.464% ↓
31/12/2017 2.21 USD +30.86% ↑
30/09/2017 1.12 USD +8.75% ↑
30/06/2017 1.45 USD -9.986% ↓
31/03/2017 3.71 USD +17.64% ↑
31/12/2016 1.88 USD +177.84% ↑
30/09/2016 1.04 USD +519.87% ↑
30/06/2016 1.66 USD +13.25% ↑
31/03/2016 3.41 USD +105.14% ↑
31/12/2015 0.41 USD +27.93% ↑
30/09/2015 0.37 USD +0.27% ↑
30/06/2015 1.54 USD +148.09% ↑
31/03/2015 3.34 USD -168.264% ↓
31/12/2014 1.22 USD -7.133% ↓
30/09/2014 0.37 USD -18.684% ↓
30/06/2014 1.43 USD +2.27% ↑
31/03/2014 3.6 USD +183.72% ↑
31/12/2013 1.11 USD +11.38% ↑
30/09/2013 0.5 USD -294.544% ↓
30/06/2013 1.56 USD -1.459% ↓
31/03/2013 3.87 USD +4.75% ↑
31/12/2012 1.19 USD -9.275% ↓
30/09/2012 0.58 USD -24.294% ↓
30/06/2012 1.56 USD +1.36% ↑
31/03/2012 3.5 USD +2.78% ↑
31/12/2011 1.22 USD -13.259% ↓
30/09/2011 1.09 USD +212.71% ↑
30/06/2011 1.62 USD -164.108% ↓
31/03/2011 3.39 USD +4.06% ↑
31/12/2010 1.51 USD +12.26% ↑
30/09/2010 0.98 USD -20.128% ↓
30/06/2010 1.43 USD +197.17% ↑
31/03/2010 3.37 USD -147.926% ↓
31/12/2009 1.25 USD +11.9% ↑
30/09/2009 1.4 USD -3.5027% ↓
30/06/2009 1.38 USD -14.0645% ↓
31/03/2009 3.07 USD +148.09% ↑
31/12/2008 0.98 USD -37.836% ↓
30/09/2008 0.85 USD -1.583% ↓
30/06/2008 1.56 USD +4.32% ↑
31/03/2008 3.5 USD +15.57% ↑
31/12/2007 1.7 USD +9.12% ↑
30/09/2007 1.22 USD +12.95% ↑
30/06/2007 1.43 USD +31.9% ↑
31/03/2007 2.92 USD -129.657% ↓
31/12/2006 1.46 USD +43.38% ↑
30/09/2006 0.95 USD +0.44% ↑
30/06/2006 1.19 USD -16.399% ↓
31/03/2006 2.33 USD +155.3% ↑
31/12/2005 1.01 USD -79.838% ↓
30/09/2005 0.3 USD -23.592% ↓
30/06/2005 0.47 USD -17.537% ↓
31/03/2005 0.83 USD +5.88% ↑
31/12/2004 0.63 USD +8.43% ↑
30/09/2004 0.46 USD +19.03% ↑
30/06/2004 0.57 USD +23.06% ↑
31/03/2004 0.94 USD +34.09% ↑
31/12/2003 0.7 USD +34.07% ↑
30/09/2003 0.37 USD +30% ↑
30/06/2003 0.49 USD +61.24% ↑
31/03/2003 0.73 USD +51.72% ↑
31/12/2002 0.49 USD -
30/09/2002 0.28 USD -
30/06/2002 0.35 USD -
31/03/2002 0.5 USD -

Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company quarterly earnings per share is also one of the organization’s profitability indicators, although less popular than annual earnings per share. Last quarterly profit Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company for today implies published profit for the last reference quarter. Change in profit Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company for the year is a reference value showing the dynamics of profit compared to the same period last year. A change in Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company quarterly profit compared to last year may be significant for companies with a seasonal business. But the main indicator of the company's profitability is the annual change in profit.

For convenience of perception and analysis, we publish the change in profit as a percentage. Overskudshistorikken for Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company for tidligere år fremgår af vores tabel "Kvartalsvis overskud". Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company kvartalsvis indtjeningshistorie er tilgængelig online i de sidste 10 år. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company online overskudsdatabase for tidsintervaller er samlet fra verificerede officielle kilder gennem hele tiden.

Aktier Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company

Finans Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company